Tourveranstalter: Florida-Adventurer 1h 30min Reisemethode:   Andere / Keine Reise Region / Startet in/von: Florida - Tallahassee/Jacksonville/Miami Category: Touren und Aktivitäten

Kajaktour bei Sonnenuntergang • Haulover Canal (Titusville)

Bitte beachten Sie: Eine Tour von mindestens 2 Personen ist erforderlich.


90 Minuten


Floridas Haulover Canal ist das perfekte Ziel für eine aufregende Kajaktour bei Sonnenuntergang. Der Kanal ist ein wunderschöner Ort, der Abenteurern jeden Alters und Könnens unvergessliche Kajakabenteuer bietet


Diese 90-minütige Kajaktour bei Sonnenuntergang ist eine geführte Tour, die stattfindet, wenn die Sonne untergeht. Die Tour bietet die Möglichkeit, den Kanal in einem anderen Licht zu erleben, während er sich in eine mystische, schimmernde Wasserstraße verwandelt, die unter dem Nachthimmel leuchtet. Wenn Sie sich in den wärmeren Monaten für diese Tour entscheiden, werden Sie vielleicht Zeuge des magischen Biolumineszenz-Erlebnisses. Während Sie sich durch das Wasser bewegen, werden Sie das Leuchten erleben, das wie ein Funkeln unter dem Kajak aussieht, was es zu einem unvergesslichen und magischen Erlebnis macht


Sicherheit hat für uns immer oberste Priorität und die Reiseleiter sorgen dafür, dass Sie vor Beginn der Tour über die notwendige Ausrüstung und das nötige Training verfügen. Sie erhalten eine Sicherheitsanleitung. Die Reiseleiter sind kompetent und erfahren und geben während der gesamten Tour Tipps und Anleitungen, sodass sie für alle zu einem sicheren und unterhaltsamen Erlebnis


Die Sunset Kayaking Tour am Haulover Canal ist für alle Altersgruppen und Könnerstufen geeignet. Auch wenn Sie noch nie Kajak gefahren sind, können Sie dieses Erlebnis trotzdem genießen. Die Kajaks sind einfach zu handhaben und die Reiseleiter achten immer darauf, das Tempo an das Können der Gruppe anzupassen. Familien mit Kindern sind willkommen und es ist ein perfektes Abenteuer für einen Familienausflug.
Der Haulover Canal ist auch ein Naturschutzgebiet, und Sie werden beim Paddeln auf eine Vielzahl von Tieren und Vögel stoßen. Sie können Seekühen, Delfinen, Alligatoren und verschiedenen Vogelarten wie Reihern, Löfflern und Ibis begegnen. Diese Tiere während des Sonnenuntergangs in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum zu beobachten, ist wirklich ein faszinierendes Erlebnis, das Sie nicht verpassen sollten. In dieser abgelegenen Gegend ist es wirklich spektakulär und friedlich


Die Kajaktour bei Sonnenuntergang am Haulover Canal ist ein einzigartiges und unvergessliches Erlebnis, das eine wirklich faszinierende Mischung aus Natur und Wissenschaft bietet. In den wärmeren Monaten die Biolumineszenz während des Sonnenuntergangs inmitten der einheimischen Tierwelt hautnah zu erleben, ist ein einmaliges Erlebnis. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem Kajakabenteuer in Florida sind, ist Haulover Canal at Sunset mit Florida-Adventurer ein Muss


Was soll man anziehen:

  • Sie werden bei dieser Aktivität etwas nass, tragen Sie daher bitte angemessene Kleidung und Schuhe

Was Sie mitbringen sollten:

  • Handtuch
  • Sonnencreme
  • Ungezieferspray
  • Wasserflasche
  • Bargeld, um deinen Guides ein Trinkgeld zu geben
Keine versteckten Kosten
Cancellation Policy

Attention adventurers! Before departing on one of Florida Adventurer's guided kayaking tours, please familiarize yourself with our cancellation policy. This is in place for your and other guests safety. We want your adventure to be as smooth and exciting as possible, so please take note before booking your tour.


Once you purchase a tour from Florida Adventurer, all sales are final, and there are no refunds. If you need to cancel your tour for any reason, we can rebook your tour as long as notice is given 48 hours in advance before your scheduled tour time. Unfortunately, if you do not give us 48 hours notice prior to the start of the scheduled tour time, we cannot rebook your purchase.

No-shows will not be able to rebook their tour. We understand that emergencies arise, but please notify us if you cannot make it, as there are other adventurers who would love your space. Florida Adventurer also has the right to sell your seat if you are late to the scheduled launch meeting time. It is not fair to others in the group to wait; therefore, we will continue on the tour as scheduled. Unfortunately, if you are late to a tour, you will not be able to rebook. If there are availbe seats on a later option we may be able to accomodate a later option.

Please arrive 30 minutes before departure, as there is a safety orientation that will be shown 15 minutes prior to departure. If you are late to the orientation or miss the orientation, you will not be able to attend your scheduled tour. If there is space available on a later tour that day, you are welcome to join. However, if our tours are full that day, you will not be able to rebook or receive a refund.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We ask that our customers respect this policy so that we can ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable experience on our tours.

Wildlife cancelations

Florida Adventurer does not/can not guarantee wildlife/bioluminescent visibility. Florida Adventurer performs our wildlife and bioluminescent tours in areas historically known for great wildlife/bioluminescent visibility. This does not mean that we guarantee the visibility of wildlife or bioluminescence. These are wild organisms/animals found in nature and we do not control their movements or migrations.

If Florida Adventurer experiences a bioluminescence tour w/no bioluminescent visibility or a Manatee and Dolphin tour w/no manatee or Dolphin, we will happily offer you a raincheck that does not expire and will remain good until used.

Safety First

At Florida Adventurer, safety is always our priority. Under certain conditions, we reserve the right to cancel your booked tour due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances beyond our control. If a tour is canceled by your guide for safety reasons (water level, weather forecast, unsafe conditions, etc.), your trip can be rescheduled. In such cases, we will notify customers as soon as possible and offer an alternate date/time for rebooking. We also reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who appears intoxicated or demonstrates behavior deemed unsafe by our guides at any given time during their tour without a rebook under any circumstances.

Weather Cancellations

Summer is Florida's wet season, so rain is the norm. Tours will still depart in the rain. There is fun to be had in the rain or the sunshine. However, we will take another course of action if storms are on the horizon. Typically, storms pass quickly down here. At Florida Adventurer, we cannot predict the weather, but we have learned to wait it out. Therefore, we have instituted a waiting out the storm policy.

Waiting Out The Storm

Storms in Florida tend to pass quickly. This is helpful for our guided tours with our daily afternoon rain showers in the summer. If you have a scheduled tour during one of these short storms, but you are willing to wait up for 30 minutes to one hour for the storm to pass, then we can happily proceed with your tour once the storm has passed. We want every adventurer to get the most out of their guided tour, so we want to keep as close to the schedule as possible.

However, in that span of time, if the storm lingers, then we can rebook any of the guests who have tried to wait out the storm to a time slot later that night (*depending on availability), or to a future date of your choosing.

Please remember typically, in the summer especially, these storms pass right on by, but if they don't, and if you're willing to wait with us, we can continue with the tour afterward. Like other outdoor businesses, Florida Adventurer offers rainchecks to return in the future. Of course, we cannot predict nor control the weather, so we may need to cancel your tour altogether. If so, we will provide you with another time to join us.

Please note:

●  We take the safety of our guests seriously and will wait for 30 minutes after any lightning strike within 10 miles before launching our tours.

●  While we understand that waiting out the storm may be frustrating, we ask that our guests be patient as we do our best to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

●  However, if a guest chooses to leave before the first hour of the wait, they will not be eligible for a raincheck.

●  In the event of a cancellation, we will do our best to rebook any affected guests on a later tour (if space is available), but unfortunately, there may not always be space available and you would need to be rebooked to a future date (of your choosing), or receieve a raincheck.

Please send requests for rainchecks or rebooking to

Lightning and Other Hazards

Lightning is one factor that causes us to cancel our tours for safety reasons. We want all of our guests to remain safe, so if there is nearby lighting, high-speed winds, rough waters, or any other unsafe conditions, your guide will cancel the tour.

Weather is unpredictable. If Florida Adventurer cancels your tour due to inclement weather or unsafe conditions, we will rebook your tour to an alternate date or time.

Any Questions?

Florida Adventurer values customer safety above all else. We want all of our adventurers to feel comfortable and secure when booking with us. Our cancellation policy helps keep a timely and efficient schedule in place so our guests can get the most out of their tours. Whichever tour you choose, you will be struck with awe and wonder kayaking through Merritt Island Wildlife Refuge. It's absolutely beautiful and something you truly do not want to miss. Be sure to arrive at the drop location on time. Florida Adventurer will track the weather, so you don't have to. We look forward to adventuring with you!

Privacy Policy

At Florida Adventurer, we value our guests' safety and the privacy of their information above all else.

How We Collect Your Information

●  Personal Information Voluntarily Disclosed

●  IP Address

●  Website Browser and Device Characteristics

When you register on our Website, we may ask you to enter your name, email address, phone number, or credit card information. This is only done when completing an online order or contacting us. We collect personal information you voluntarily provide us when you express an interest in obtaining information about us and our services. We collect personal information that you intentionally provide to us.

Your IP address is also collected. Your IP address is a unique identifier for your device, and it can tell us things like the type of device you are using and where in the world you're viewing our site. This information helps us determine how best to serve content to our visitors and detect potential security risks or fraudulent activity.

We also collect your browser and device characteristics. This includes your operating system type, browser type, language preferences, device name, screen resolution, code version, and more. We may use cookies to track and improve your user experience. This information helps

us adjust the content we deliver to match our visitors' preferences. It also helps us optimize website performance so that everyone has a great user experience while on our site.

For What Purpose Do We Use Your Information?

The primary goal in collecting personal information is to provide you with a customized experience while using our Website. We use the data collected to track visitors' activities while navigating through our website to improve the user experience. This includes providing personalized content based on user's preferences or interests. We also use this data to measure user engagement to improve our services and offerings continually. Additionally, if applicable, we may use this data to research customer satisfaction with certain products or services provided by Florida Adventurer.

Any information collected from you is used for the purpose of processing orders and responding to inquiries. Your email address is used to send order confirmations and other notifications related to your purchases with us. Credit card information is used solely for payment processing; it is not stored in our system after the purchase has been completed. We never sell, trade, or share your personal information unless given your consent or comply with legal obligations.

In certain circumstances, we may need to share your information with law enforcement or other organizations to comply with legal requirements or protect the safety of you or our community. We also share non-personally identifiable visitor information with other parties for marketing and advertising purposes. We believe in transparency and will only disclose your information as necessary to protect your interests and our organization's.

How Long Do We Keep Your Information?

Florida Adventurer only holds onto your information for as long as it is needed to serve the specific purposes stated in our privacy policy. Unless we are legally obligated to do so, your personal details will be stored only as long as necessary.

Security Measures To Protect Your Information

At Florida Adventurer, we have implemented several security measures to protect your data from being accessed without authorization. We value your privacy and have taken extensive steps to keep your personal information safe. Utilizing a combination of advanced technical security measures and strategic organizational planning, we work tirelessly to ensure your data is secure.

While we understand that electronic transmission can be risky, we are dedicated to safeguarding your information every step of the way. Despite our best defense efforts, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of electronic transmissions over the internet or information storage technology. Hackers, cybercriminals, and other unauthorized third parties may be able to defeat our security measures and potentially gain access to your data.

While we take every precaution to protect your information, we cannot provide a 100% guarantee of security against data breaches or unauthorized access. It's essential to make sure you're accessing our Website in a secure location. Protecting your sensitive information is our top priority, and using a secure connection helps ensure that your data stays safe.

Your Privacy Rights

By browsing our site, you agree to our comprehensive privacy policy. This policy outlines the measures we take to protect your personal information and keep your interactions with our site secure. We appreciate your trust in us.

Privacy Policy Updates

Our commitment to compliance with all relevant laws means that we will be making updates to this notice as needed.

Contact Florida Adventurer

At Florida Adventurer, we take your privacy seriously and make sure your personal data is never shared with third parties without your explicit consent. Any sensitive data collected from guests stay secure within our company's systems and is only used for the purpose of improving customer service experience. If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy and how we collect or use your personal information, please feel free to contact us directly at or fill in the form below.
Haulover Road SW, Mims, 32754, FL
wichtige Information

So findest du deinen Startplatz

**Bitte suchen Sie bei Google (NICHT bei Google Maps) nach „Haulover Canal Kayak Launch/ Titusville, FL“. (Es kann sein, dass der Standort in Mims FL ist, das ist derselbe Ort). Dadurch wird eine Karte in den Suchergebnissen generiert,... klicken Sie einfach auf die Karte und Sie werden direkt zu uns weitergeleitet



FL und folgen Sie den obigen Anweisungen**

Was ist mitzubringen

Die Bedingungen in Florida können sich schnell ändern. Es ist wichtig, vorbereitet zu sein, das ist schließlich das Motto der Pfadfinder! Ihre Guides kennen sich in Ihrer Umgebung und den sich schnell ändernden Bedingungen in Florida aus. Es gibt keine dummen Fragen. Zögern Sie nicht, Fragen zu stellen, die Ihnen an Land in den Sinn kommen. Unsere geschulten Guides beurteilen alle Bedingungen vom Wetter bis zur Abstinenz, um sicherzustellen, dass alle Spaß haben und sicher sind. Wir werden zwar unser Bestes tun, um drohende Gewitter abzuwarten, aber wir werden nicht bei starkem Wind oder Donner und Blitz rauspaddeln


• Tragen Sie leichte Kleidung, es macht Ihnen nichts aus, feucht zu werden

• Wasserschuhe, die im Wasser getragen werden können

• Manche Leute tragen leichte, lange Hosen und Ärmel, um Mücken abzuwehren, falls der Wind ruhig ist

• Kamera und Packsack (optional) Diese sind für die Erfassung von Biolumineszenz ziemlich nutzlos, eignen sich aber hervorragend zum Einfangen von Personen.

• Wasser in Flaschen, Snacks

• Insektenschutz — besonders wenn es viel geregnet hat

• Lassen Sie Ihre Wertsachen am besten zu Hause

• Sie können eine Taschenlampe mitbringen, wir stellen jedoch ein Sicherheitslicht und eine Pfeife sowie einen Leuchtstab zur Verfügung


Was ist enthalten:

  • Kajaks, PFD, Pfeife, Taschenlampe, Schwimmweste und Leuchtstab

  • Professionelle Florida-Abenteuerführer

Was Sie NICHT mitbringen sollten

• Florida Adventurer Inc. hat KEINE Alkohol- und Drogenpolitik. Florida Adventurer behält sich das Recht vor, Gästen, die aufgrund von Alkohol- oder Drogenmissbrauch vor ihrer Reise als nicht paddeln können, den Service zu verweigern. Wenn ein Mitarbeiter von Florida Adventurer aufgrund von Alkohol- oder Drogenmissbrauch eine Urteilsentscheidung trifft, darf der betreffende Gast weder paddeln noch erhält er eine Rückerstattung

seiner Reisekosten.

Was ist zu erwarten

• Eine Fahrt zum Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, etwa 20 Minuten östlich von Titusville (10 Minuten nördlich von Nasa)

• „Port A Poddie“ -Einrichtungen sind am Startplatz verfügbar

• 90 Minuten +/- auf dem Wasser für ein gemütliches Paddeln

• Du wirst ein bisschen nass

• Um Wildtiere und Organismen im Wasser leuchten zu sehen

• Sie lernen die Grundlagen des Paddelns und mehr über die lokale Tierwelt

• Um deine Schwimmweste und Pfeife zu tragen:)

• Großartige, durch Wiederbelebung geschulte Guides, die Sie schützen und sich in ihrer Umgebung auskennen

• Viel Spaß im Freien und der Wunsch, bald wiederzukommen

Wenn Sie Schwierigkeiten haben, uns zu finden, können Sie uns unter einer der folgenden Nummern erreichen:

321-735-9400 zwischen 9 und 17 Uhr

321-223-1898 nach 17 Uhr